Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Little Bit Of Fun...

I'm feeling rather special because Karen over at Tiny Bird Heart (one of my favourite new blogs) has nominated me for a Sunshine Award.  Yay.  Thanks a bunch lady, I love things like this.  Anyhoo, here is how it works:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Post the award logo on your blog
3. Nominate 5 blogs that you love
4. Share seven facts about yourself

Seven Random Facts:

1. I went to maximum security prison for the day as part of a theatre for change initiative at varsity.
2. When I was small, I thought I would marry either Batman or Indiana Jones.
3. I work as a technical writer but no one seems to know what that is.  
4. I used to hate the colour pink but now I kind of love it.
5. I over think everything ALL OF THE TIME.
6. I smashed my first Honours exam....seriously, it's my highest mark ever!!
7. I never, ever paint my toenails.  I feel like it makes my toes look alien or something.

Alas, I don't know five bloggers well enough to nominate but if Erica from Peppa-Jo Patterns and Mandy from Chocolate and Cream Cake would like to take part then that would be awesome.  No obligation though;)

Thanks again Karen:)  If you don't already read Tiny Bird Heart, I highly recommend checking it out!


  1. You're welcome Monique! I'm exactly the same with pink, Used to hate it but it's sneaking into my life! But I always paint my toenails, can't stand them bare! x
