Sunday, January 26, 2014

Things I Love #64

Another week done and dusted.  Is it just me or is January flying by?  I'll assume it's not just me because that's better for my sanity!  Here's what caught my attention this week:

Saint Exupery lands at last.  Did you know the creator of The Little Prince went MIA during World War II?  I did not...

There is a Dogs in Cars Calendar and it's pure happiness.

What the Dark Knight would look like as a quirky indie movie:

Animals with Human Personalities.  Such a cool illustrated series by Kim Nguyen.

A ghost ship, filled with cannibal rats is headed for Britain.  Sounds like something from a horror movie!!

Sea creatures getting ready for bed.  So much unexpected cuteness.

Meowls.  That is all.

And lastly, how happy is this Hayao Miyazaki figurine?

Seen anything you love this week?  Let me know in the comments.