Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Month and Counting

Today is officially one month to my birthday!  Another way to put it is today is the start of my last month as a twenty-something.  Yay!  Or not so yay!  I'm not really sure how I am feeling about turning thirty right now.  Two weeks ago I was like Hells Yeah Thirty!  I will OWN you!!  This week I am more like Meh, Thirty.  I had this whole long post planned today full of deep philosophical thoughts on the end of a decade but it's not finished because I am feeling a bit ambivalent.  Instead, I present you with my Internet Happy Birthday Wishlist:

Geeky T-shirts from We Love Fine
Some girls are shoe girls, I am a t-shirt girl. The more the merrier. I'd love any of the ones below:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Harry Potter Leggings from Black Milk Clothing
I love these all so much that I couldn't settle for just one house:


Lego Death Star
This would pretty much make my life:


Marvel Mini Labbits
These basically combine two of my very favourite things, Labbits and superheroes:


RAMFest Tickets
Because then I don't have to buy my own...


Other things that would be awesome include books, print editions of The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, all manner of quirky/nerdy jewelry, a Totoro tattoo and a pug puppy!