Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Currently...loving collars, reading a ton, packing up
Watching:  Sound City.  This is Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters directorial debut which tells the story of the Sound City recording studio in Los Angeles.  If you love music, I highly recommend this.  Watch the blog in the next week or two because I am planning a longer post about this one!

Thinking About:  The passage of time and moving on.  My mom and dad are moving out of my childhood home in the next three weeks.  Yesterday I spent the afternoon there going through a few boxes I left behind when I moved.  I never expected to get so emotional about all this but looking through all those old toys and old memories and realizing that this time it's for real was a little hard.  I am excited that they are moving into a new time in their lives but I am really, really going to miss that house.

Reading:  Too many things.  This week I have had to get used to the idea of reading academic texts again.  What a mission!  I had totally forgot how complex and time-consuming they can be.  I'm hoping I will be back into the swing of things soon because I still have the set books to tackle.  Send help!

Looking forward to:  My friend Collette's wedding, Rise Against (as per usual), Jason's band Dirty Royal making their Splashy debut and going back to gym this week!  I never thought I would say this but I have missed gym the last two and a half weeks.

Making me happy:  Having some willpower and seeing results!  I have been on a diet the last little while to try and undo the damage from too much partying in December/January.  Also making me happy?  The fact that my mind is already being challenged at varsity, my Woe Anchor shirt in the post, surprise dinners with Jason, good friends who make me laugh, Rolo's daily quest for toast and the fact that my Dad gave me his framed Normadie picture.  Thanks Dad!

These Currently posts are inspired by the ones over at Sometimes Sweet.  You can check out the most recent one here.

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